Hale and Altrincham Life. Business News. Share on Facebook. Hale Barns Carnival — This Weekend! Would love a primark as I think it will be great for Altrincham.
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Finally, we have an answer, but it is not one we wanted to convey to you, as the confirmation we have received is that capacity for this game will have to remain at 1,, the same as it was for the Emirates FA Cup replay with Gateshead nine days ago. We are incredibly disappointed to have to report this and tell you all that no further tickets are available, especially given the amount of work that has gone in over the last two weeks. Extensive ground repairs have been undertaken, with many repairs completed, and a structural engineer has confirmed that both the Popular Side and the Golf Road are structurally sound.
In addition, we have greatly increased the matchday health and safety processes and the stewarding budget and upgraded many of our procedures by bringing in new operating practices in an attempt to address the concerns. All to no avail — the ground will be set up exactly as it was for Gateshead, with the Popular Side and the Golf Road closed to spectators. Lots of detail and it's the detail that's fun, isn't it?
You look into a school and they're having a disco and the person doing the DJing has got pumpkin headphones.
There's lots of stuff like that. Classic Media, already part of DreamWorks, owned the rights, and the American company was not the right fit for quintessentially English Pat:.
Originally we were just making specialist puppets for stop-motion projects, films, short films, TV series. And then in , we were asked if we would do a series of Postman Pat because the original team of people had retired. And of course, we said we would love to do it.
Then we made our first series in I think it took two years. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon scenario across all types of media. TV historians wail and gnash teeth at the many classic programmes - notably Dr Who — that were taped over in a bid to reuse film before archivists put their collective feet down. Peter was determined not to let the same fate befall the Pat sets. But with Postman Pat , it's been going on for 40 years.
You know, it's very much about British life. When I heard that the sets were going to be destroyed, I immediately got in touch with Richard Evans at Sale Waterside, who, are custodians of a whole group of puppets that were made by Cosgrove Hall productions.
The last time I went to this store in Stalybridge, the sets were literally being broken up and loaded into skips. So a last-minute reprieve, so you know, so it's thanks down to Sale Waterside and to Trafford Council for stepping in and they preserved a huge amount of it. And there is a charm and magic to it.