While all of this monitoring is going on, the network discovery process keeps you in the loop. So, any outages or performance problems get reflected on your various network maps.
The PRTG system can be accessed as a Cloud service , or it can be installed on premises — the software will run on Windows 10 and Server environments. The system is available for free to monitor small networks. You can also get a day free trial of PRTG. You will encounter two types of Nagios monitoring software. The one you need to consider is Nagios XI.
Nagios Core is a free, open-source network management tool. There is a Nagios Community made up of Nagios users and you can get interfaces for Nagios Core in the community forum for free from some of those users. However, Nagios XI is Nagios Core with a professional interface included , so you are better off going for that version.
The Nagios XI suite includes an autodiscovery module that will map all of your network for you and compile an inventory list. This means that you can review periods of network congestion and watch as bottlenecks appear.
This is an excellent tool for analyzing the system weaknesses because you can examine events over and over again, making sure that you understand exactly what happened. The monitor will observe and record the status of your network equipment and you will see alerts when failure and warning conditions occur. In addition to showing alerts in the Dashboards, you can get Nagios to notify team members by email or SMS.
Those alerts can be directed to different team members according to source and severity. The Dashboard can also be customized, which means that you can give access to different views and controls to different team members. The Dashboard widgets include dials, graphs, histograms, and charts that make data easier to view. There is a free version of Nagios XI. This is capable of monitoring small networks. Free Nagios XI is limited to monitoring just seven pieces of equipment.
The paid version of the system is available in a Standard Edition and a more expensive Enterprise Edition depending on the size of your network. Related post: Nagios vs Zabbix. A significant advantage of the SNMP methodology is that it has network discovery software built-in.
This is because all network devices have SNMP agents installed on them, so any monitoring program just has to broadcast a report request on the network to receive notifications from all of the network equipment.
This enables an initial network device inventory to be compiled. The polling process of SNMP is re-issued periodically. That means that the equipment list is continuously updated. So, if you add or remove a device, those changes get registered in the inventory automatically.
Cacti is a free, open-source system that was created to provide a front end to the data gathering RDDTools. So, you need to install both of these systems to get network discovery and monitoring. The RDDTool system is also open source and free to use.
The Cacti package includes a set of graph templates. You can customize a user interface by selecting a subset of the graph template pack. You can also create multiple user accounts and assign different sets of graphs to each. The free tool is useful for allowing users to see their own service consumption in leased service scenarios, SaaS provision, storage services, and even internet service provision. The package includes a live network monitoring system that is based on SNMP.
As SNMP performs regular status polling by broadcasting a report request, it automatically discovers all network devices. Network devices are shipped from the manufacturer with an SNMP agent installed and that agent is programmed to constantly listen for a status request.
Any device out on the network will automatically respond to the status request and these answers inform the network monitor of exactly what devices are out there on the network. The first time the status request and response cycle runs NinjaRMM collates an asset inventory database. In that case, the new device gets added to the inventory. The network discovery tool is just one of the features of the NinjaRMM system. The dashboard also gives access to live traffic flow data with alerts when devices get overloaded.
Other features include Syslog monitoring, patch management, and a managed antivirus service. The NinjaRMM is a cloud-based service and is charged for by subscription with a rate per device. You can a day free trial of NinjaRMM to experience the network discovery feature on any site. Zenmap is a graphical front end to Nmap.
Both Zenmap and Nmap are free to use. Nmap is a security auditing tool , but it can be used for network scanning. Details of each node include the operating system, manufacturer, device type, IP address, hostname, and the status of the ports on the device.
However, Nmap has a huge following and the combination of Zenmap and Nmap is widely distributed. These tools will be of use to you to provide ad-hoc system scans and security checks. Spiceworks produces a suite of network monitoring tools that can be installed on premises or accessed online.
All of the Spiceworks tools are free but ad-supported. ITo get all of your devices logged, you will need to use the Spiceworks Inventory module. The Inventory tool will search your system and log all of the equipment connected to your network. Not only will it register each piece of equipment, but the facility also gives you operational details of each device. The scan will also log all of the software that you have available.
The Inventory tool will keep all of your software up-to-date with the latest versions and install patches when they become available. You will also be able to see which applications are overloading the network and watch data flows that result in service bottlenecks.
You can enhance the visibility of data and switch from list views over to a graphical representation of the network by installing the Spiceworks Network Mapper. This tool uses the information registered by Spiceworks Inventory , so you need that research tool installed before the mapper will work. You will see traffic volumes on the links between devices represented as the thickness of the line representing the link. The map covers Layer 2 switches and Layer 3 routers devices.
The device icons in the map act as links to detail pages, where you can see the status and operating methods of each piece of equipment. You can generate reports out of the Inventory system that will list devices by type or you can print out graphs of usage.
Server details cover disc volumes and usage , memory availability , and CPU use. Other features of the Inventory package link to the Spiceworks Help Desk module. These include the user details for each endpoint and links to your Active Directory implementation to help you manage user authorization. The Inventory system reaches out to other branches of your system to help you inform and monitor all stakeholders. NetBrain has an excellent network discovery procedure.
The software is accessible online but it can penetrate your network to build an inventory of devices. You enter the IP address of a key router on your network, and the NetBrain system crawls out from there to record all of your network devices. The next phase of installation is the automatic creation of a network map. The map provides the interface for other functions available with the NetBrain package.
The network discovery feature of NetBrain keeps monitoring your system and updates automatically when you add or remove devices. The system will log Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices and help you manage their configurations. The Configuration Management tool in NetBrain alerts for unauthorized changes and also keeps the firmware of your network equipment up to date. The network maps can identify virtual environments so you can see how many VMs Virtual Machines are dependent on each server.
You can adjust maps on the fly to request a link view or get reports on end-to-end activity on a given path. This insight helps you to identify bottlenecks and also spot ways to re-route traffic away from troubled hardware. Process automation enables you to set scripts to operate under certain trigger conditions.
The analysis functions help you spot intrusion, and it can also assist you in right-sizing your subnets. The NetBrain system can be sampled on a day free trial. Intermapper is a product of HelpSystems.
This tool uses a range of technologies to detect network-connected equipment. The tool includes an autodiscovery module , which compiles lists of hardware and also creates a map of your system. The discovery process is continuous and so any changes to the resources on the network automatically get reflected in the inventory and on network maps included in the utility.
If you run a WAN, you can export Intermapper data to overlay on Google Maps to show your network on a real map of the world. Those exports can be scripted and periodic, giving you a near live map of your network status around the world.
As the Intermapper system relies on SNMP , constant status monitoring is an integrated part of its processes. This monitoring also extends to the collection of alert messages sent by device agents, so you get notified immediately if there are any problems with your system. Those alerts get shown in the system console and you can also set up the alerting mechanism to get notifications sent to you or another team member by email or SMS. You can create action scripts that are triggered by alert conditions and get automatic error resolution.
The data that Intermapper collects includes device statuses and network traffic flows. Alert conditions include traffic congestion as well as device statuses. The Intermapper system is available on subscription and there is a free version with monitoring and mapping functions limited to 10 devices.
You can get a day free trial of the full paid version. As you can see from our list, network discovery tools come in all shapes and sizes. The autodiscovery function is a handy setup feature of many network monitoring systems. When chat messages from Teams and Yammer conversations are added to a review set, you can collect the entire conversation thread. This means that the entire chat conversation that contains items that match the collection criteria is added to the review set.
This lets you review chat items in the context of the back-and-forth conversation. Collection statistics and reports. After you create a draft collection or commit a commit a collection to a review set, you can view a rich set of statistics on the retrieved items, such as the content locations that contain the most items that matched the search criteria and the number of items returned by the search query.
You can also preview a subset of the results. Additionally, this includes the number of child items extracted from their parent items and added as separate items to the review set. Review set filtering. After content is added to a review set, you can apply filters to display only the set of items that match your filtering criteria. Then you can save the filter sets as a query, which lets you quickly reapply the saved filters.
Review set filtering and saved queries help you quickly cull content to the items that are most relevant to your investigation. Tags also help you cull non-relevant content and identify the most relevant content.
When experts, attorneys, or other users review content in a review set, their opinions related to the content can be captured by using tags. For example, if the intent is to cull unnecessary content, a user can tag documents with a tag such as "non-responsive". After content has been reviewed and tagged, a review set query can be created to exclude any content tagged as "non-responsive".
This process eliminates the non-responsive content from subsequent steps in the eDiscovery workflow. Advanced eDiscovery provides tools to analyze review set documents to help you organize the documents in a coherent manner and reduce the volume of documents to be reviewed. Near duplicate detection groups textually similar documents together to help you make your review process more efficient.
Email threading identifies specific email messages that give a complete context of the conversation in an email thread. Themes functionality attempts to analyze themes in review set documents and assign a theme to documents so that you can review documents with related theme. These analytics capabilities help make your review process more efficient so that reviewers can review a fraction of collected documents. Predictive coding models. Use predictive coding models to reduce and cull large volumes of case content to a relevant set of items that you can prioritize for review.
This is accomplished by creating and training your own predictive coding models that help you prioritize the review of the most relevant items in a review set. The system uses the training to apply prediction scores to every item in the review set.
This lets you filter items based on the prediction score, which allows you to review the most relevant or non-relevant items first. Computed document metadata. Many of the Advanced eDiscovery features, such as Advanced indexing, conversation threading, analytics, and predictive coding add metadata properties to review set documents. This metadata contains information related to the function performed by a specific feature.
When reviewing documents, you can filter on metadata properties to display documents that match your filter criteria. This metadata can be imported into third-party review applications after review set documents are exported. Transparency of long-running jobs. Jobs in Advanced eDiscovery are typically long-running processes that are triggered by user actions, such as the adding custodians to a case, adding content to a review set, running analytics, and training predictive coding models.
You can track the status of these jobs and get support information if you need to escalate issues to MS Support. Export to customer-owned Azure Storage location. When you export documents from a review set, you have the option to export them to an Azure Storage account managed by your organization.
Additionally, Advanced eDiscovery lets you customize what data is exported. This includes exporting file metadata, native files, text files, tags, and redacted documents saved to a PDF file. The following sections show the minimum subscription requirements for Content search, Core eDiscovery, and Advanced eDiscovery. Subscriptions that support Core eDiscovery also support Content search.
See the following articles to help you learn more and get started using the eDiscovery solutions in Microsoft Search for content using Content search. Integration with Legal Tracker. Lots of features available for Legal Holds, data collection and preservation. Excellent support. Exterro is definitely an application to consider when looking for a solution with Legal Holds and other features such as the Employee Change Monitor, etc.
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