Medical transcription ent files

So, we can see a lot of entities in this transcription. There are drug, disease, and exam names for example. Named entity recognition NER is a subtask of natural language processing used to identify and classify named entities mentioned in unstructured text into pre-defined categories. This corpus consists of PubMed articles with annotated chemicals, diseases, and chemical-disease interactions. This object is usually called nlp in the documentation and tutorials. Calling the nlp object on a string of text will return a processed Doc object with the text split into words and annotated.

We can see the model correctly identified and label diseases such as iron-deficiency anemia , chronic blood loss , and many more. Lots of drugs were also identified, like vancomycin , Compazine , Zofran.

The model can also identify common laboratory tested molecules such as creatinine , iron , bilirubin , uric acid. Not everything is perfect though. See how some tokens are weirdly classified as chemicals, possibly due to punctuation marks:. We can combine this with the NER models to identify some pattern that includes our entities. This could be of real use to identify possible medication errors by checking if the dosages are in accordance with standards and guidelines.

Then we initialize the Matcher with a vocabulary. In the course of time, we have assisted several ENT clinics in maintaining their document workflow. These clinics were confronted with issues that were impeding the document workflow management of their clinics, either because of non-availability of in-house transcribers or they were just too expensive to hire, and as a result many clinics solicited services from local transcription companies, but the issues confronting these local companies were no different than the ones that were being faced by the clinics, and as a result the turn-around-time to document the physician narrations took an unusually longer time, in some cases it was more than 48 hours.

This was partly because the volume of documentations was far too high for the few medical transcribers that were available locally. The ENT clinics are offered multiple choices of how they can solicit our transcription services, the two options that we offer include a toll free phone-in-dictation or establishing Virtual Private Network VPN connectivity with the Electronic Medical Record application that is being used by the clinic.

The toll free phone-in-dictation functions on the same lines as any other system, the physician can narrate the patient encounters by dialing into our toll free number, the various menu options include a feature that allows them to amend or edit the dictations at any given time, and they can also review the documented ENT report with the recorded narration. The VPN connectivity is established by the technical team of our company in coordination with the IT staff of the clinic, this allows the transcribers from our company to log into the EMR application of the clinic and access the dictations available in the centralized voice recording system, with the documentations taken care of by the transcribers, the ENT reports are made available to the physicians for review.

We use different templates that are specific to the brand of application in use by the ENT clinics. Something that can make the people more satisfied who are visiting the doctor.

There are so many things that people may be happy about when it is about transcription in this field. Like, the time-saving, easy-to-access data sources for anyone who wants to get access to their information. This information, basically the medical history, is something anyone can get access to if they are permitted. And to ensure that there is no data theft, there are always ways that keep the sensitive information of the patients safe.

In the modern era and especially after the COVID, there have been so many issues that can be omitted and kept in check through the online transfer of data. COVID itself can be curtailed through this way of data transfer.

So, there is so much help the online world has brought to this field that allows better and better services in this regard by making this field more online than ever before. Through telemedicine and now through online transfer of data can easily maintain the safety a person needs to keep themselves from this contagious disease that has caused thousands of deaths worldwide.

There is a lot of ease in the transfer of data that can make anyone a fan of this technology. This technology that can bring the information to the insurance company in the blink of an eye is helpful for the issues that caused data transfer issues in the medical field. Anyone who needs data to charge the insurance company that is paying for your treatments can get access to the data in nanoseconds.

Therefore, this technology has become one of the easiest ways of getting information about any person who may have any health issues. Moreover, it is really easy for doctors to just get the information of the person and be at ease by outsourcing their work to a professional person who knows how to do what they are doing.

An insurance company does not need too many hectic works to get the information of someone who they are paying for.


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